Renegade Runner


In Facing adversity, inspiration, NYC Marathon, running, tapering on November 3, 2012 at 5:26 am

What can one say to console the wounded of a natural disaster that distorted reality of mass proportions. Sandy was “SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE” !

When”Super Storm Sandy” hit last Monday, October 29th, 2012, who would have thought that the NYC Marathon would have been cancelled for the first time in history?  Honestly, I didn’t, but I didn’t want to believe that the devastation of the storm would be so detrimental as to carry over into another week.

My parents are now residing with me, as their main residence is on Long Beach Island. NJ.  They have no legitimate idea as to when they can return to the “Island ” to investigate the potential damage to their ocean front residence.  They are two victims of thousands that have been uprooted due to the devastation of this natural disaster that mangled the “Tri-State” area.

So, decisions were made today to CANCEL the NYC MArathon.   My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims of Hurricane Sandy and to all the runners.  I want to do something to ease the pain of everyone involved.   I want to volunteer.  I am just SAD.  I will maintain hope that a solution for all will come to fruition within the next two weeks.  Please maintain hope in your hearts! There is always hope!! Please believe that there is a reason why you all are so strong that you can withstand a hit like hurricane Sandy.

I pray that God will give peace to the victims of  Hurricane Sandy and to the runners that have trained for months to find out that they are not able to run “THE” NYC  Marathon this weekend… I hope everyone is able to process to obstacles that have been thrown in their paths.

“If you want ot see a fighter at his best, watch him when he is getting beat.” Sugar Ray Robinson

Hurricane Sandy may have given us a beating, but we will not be beat !


A Photo FINISH !!

In Uncategorized on September 23, 2012 at 7:37 pm

English: I am the author and the source of the...


The results are in….


Well… Not quite yet on COMPUSCORE…but the “FINISH LINE” clock read 1:49:19… or there about, not quite sure what it said as I ran over it…for I put my head down as I sprinted the last 50 feet and then smiled for the Finish Line Photo!  This finisher was soaring high due to accomplishing the only goal which was to have a negative split.  AND…. It was ….


AMAZING!! (My second 6.5 miles were over 2 minutes faster than my first 6.5 miles)


The race day conditions contributed to good moods throughout the entire beautifully scenic course which takes you through a park like setting with amazing views of NY city and LADY LIBERTY.  I started out at an 8:30 pace and tried to hold it there…which I did for about the first 4 miles… then I took it down a notch to 8:04… too fast and brought it back up to an 8:13… felt too slow… so for miles 8 , 9, 10, and 11, I lingered around an 8:06… a wee bit nervous if I was going too fast..but my breathing and by body told me otherwise..all systems were a go!!


Then …my last two miles I just said…. go for it… I did a 7:46 and a 7:49… the encouraging cheers from the spectators at the end motivated me to push even harder as I sprinted for the last tenth or so crossing the finish line in what must have been well under a 7:00 min mile!! or at least that is what my Garmin told me.  The moral to the story is…. I finished STRONG!!!


My BODY took over instead of my mind…. my mind was saying things like.. “Slow down,  you might not be able to keep up this pace”… and my body said… “Whatever”.  With a mile to go my mind hesitated a bit… a bit that lasted about 10 seconds…then I literally spoke out loud and said… “UGGGHHH” … and then silently said “I deserve to finish however I want to”… I wanted to continue to RUN as fast as my heart would allow me to… and well… I finished with a smile…. what a beautiful day!!


I am thankful for this euphoric feeling now.  This was a comeback run and I honestly wasn’t sure how my foot would hold up.  I am grateful that the rest of my body took over and held strong. AS for my Plantar Fasciitis… well… it’s still with me.. but not so bad!!


Congratulations to all Runners!! I think all would agree that today was probably one of the most perfect days for a RUN!


“Happiness resides not in possesions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul. ”  – Democritus







The Three FORGOTTEN Interceptions !

In Facing adversity, inspiration, motivation, running, running injuries, running smart, Uncategorized on September 21, 2012 at 2:34 am

The fourth quarter of the NY Giants/Tampa Bay game last Sunday brought about a comeback that made for one of the best games ever!! Eli Manning suffered 3 interceptions where Tampa Bay took advantage of by scoring on each turnover.  However, in the fourth quarter, Manning’s comeback, along with the athleticism of his teammates, created a stir of positivity that left viewers in awe.  As the announcer recapped the points scored by both teams in the fourth quarter he pointed out that Manning finished up the game with 510 yards passing and three touchdowns, which was the second greatest passing day in the Giant’s history…. and what about those “Three FORGOTTEN Interceptions!” What about them… not a word when the Giants came out with a 41-34 win!!

“It’s all about the comebacks”… as I have said so often.  The Renegade Runner has been away from blogging, but ….

Making a COMEBACK!!!

A comeback in many areas of life… learning along the way… more so than usual… to just accept the journey… have faith that patience with the present moment will create a mental and physical strength to be reckoned with.  Plantar Fasciitis ? It will go away when it wants to and I have learned to embrace the injury.

I went up a whole size in my running shoes and switched to a narrow width.  I have changed my stride…I now run on my toes/forefoot.  I use a roller on my claves to release the added tension caused by the new stride; however, the soreness/tension in my butt/hip/knee is pretty much obsolete.

The new stride has yet to improve the plantar fasciitis, so here are some of my treatments….I tape my foot before every run and use a frozen water bottle afterwards to massage the soreness.  I attend at least one yoga class a week, and now I’m going to eat less sugar and start taking glucosamine.  Basically…everything I just mentioned are suggestions from people who have experienced Plantar Fasciitis and claim that it just decides to go away.

I’m treating the situation in my foot as my new friend and I am going to pamper my friend so we can coexist and live happily ever after if we must!!! Day by Day…

On Sunday, September 23, 2012, The Renegade Runner will be running her first Half Marathon!!! and I plan on having a Good Time!!  My new race method is to start out as slowly as possible and run a faster second half… otherwise known as a  NEGATIVE split,  a difficult task for a Renegade,  being that it requires much discipline…. but  this is part of the comeback!!

“Run On”

“with discipline”


Have a GOOD Time!


to be continued……